
The Health Working Group exists to develop and implement initiatives that promote Health and Wellbeing across the industry.

The Working Group is working on the following projects and initiatives:

Fitness to Work Medical Assessment Guideline

 A Guideline for pre-employment and periodic medical examinations for the Onshore Australian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Industry. Learn more >

Health Matters

Health Matters is a place where you can find help to address Health and Wellbeing. It’s also a place where you share what you’re doing to manage Health and Wellbeing in your workplace. Learn more >

Fatigue Risk Management

Collated tools, resources and education materials applicable for fatigue risk management and mitigation for workers in the Australian Energy Production Industry.  Learn more >

Management of Heat Stress Guideline and e-Learn

A Guideline and e-Learn Heat Stress tool to build awareness about the effects of heat stress, the signs to recognise and the actions to take. Learn more >

On-Site Accommodation Psychological Health & Safety Guideline

A Guideline that can be applied effectively across all jurisdictions and camp settings to enhance the psychological well-being and safety of camp residents.  Learn more>


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