Assist and Assure e-Learn for Frontline HSER Connect • In our Strategic Plan, Assist and Assure is identified as a high priority program for its focus on creating a safe environment for open safety conversations, ensuring that these conversations are consistent and effective, leading to improvement in safety outcomes. In response to the demand for frontline workers to have access to a concise introduction to Assist and Assure Australia-wide, we have developed a 30-minute Frontline Awareness Training e-Learn course.
Learning from Process Safety Events HSER Connect • Preventing harm to frontline workers via sharing is central to Our Commitment. Learning Event Bulletins (LEBs) focus on ‘unwanted events/threats’ as a trigger to investigate and disseminate lessons learned. We investigate, report, and share the lessons from these ‘High Value Learning Events’ occurring, and use these LEBs to facilitate discussions designed to influence and reinforce positive behaviours focused on helping prevent harm to frontline workers.

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