Assist & Assure Stickers Safer Together has developed sticker to promote Assist & Assure for use on safety helmets where appropriate. Major Sharing
Assist & Assure Tally Book Cover Safer Together has developed a Tally Book to promote Assist & Assure. The Binder/Cover can be ordered below. Major Sharing
Assist & Assure Tally Book Insert Booklet Safer Together has developed a Tally Book to promote Assist & Assure. The insert booklet can be ordered below. Major Sharing
Hands Free 'Five Finger Savers' Card The Hands Free 'Five Finger Savers' Card has been developed by our Qld. Rig Site Safety Working Group as a hand-safety ready reckoner. Members can purcase hard copies of this document via this form, which will be printed on high quality paper stock, delivered to your workplace. Members can also download the file for printing externally.
$3.00 +GST (Non Members $5.00 +GST) Helping Hands Coozies Coozies are used during Helping Hands Workshop Sharing
$0.00 +GST (Non Members $1,500.00 +GST) Helping Hands Workshop Materials Materials used during Helping Hands Workshop Sharing
HSER Resource File The Safety Leadership Working Group has developed a HSE Representative Resource File which includes an overview of all resources and tools available to HSERs to effectively perform their role. Members can download the product artwork here. The file is also available printed and collated in high quality paper stock plus ring binder, delivered ready for use by HSERs. Price per HSER File is approximately $90 +GST (based on a standard order of 50). Pricing will depend on quantity required. As a Major Sharing
Safe Deck Operations Prompt Card Safe Deck Operations prompt card for use in the field. Standardisation
Safety Culture Framework This Framework describes what excellence looks like with respect to safety culture and has been developed by taking consideration of our industry's health and safety goals and aspirations, as well as the observations and recommendations of employees. Sharing
Safety Leadership Visits Handbook The handbook provides guidance for effective safety conversations, tips on identifying hazards and understanding risk, a six step guide to having a successful Safety Leadership Visit and prompt pages for taking notes. Members can download the product artwork here. The price per handbook is approximately $4.75+GST (based on an order of 100 handbooks). Pricing will depend on the quantity required. As a guide: $6.80+GST per handbook based on a 50 print run $4.75+GST per handbook based on a 10 Sharing