Quarterly Safety Theme. Q3: Safe Lifting, Working at Height & Preventing Dropped Objects
• HSER Connect
July 2023
Safer Together plays a key role in promoting safe work practice within the oil & gas industry, providing a means for workers to raise safety issues within the workplace. With our Collaboration Partners, Step Change in Safety (UK) and Always Safe (Norway), in Q3 we focus on Safe Lifting, Working at Height & Preventing Dropped Objects. Thorough planning and specific hazard identification for lifting operations, working at height, and preventing potential dropped objects allows hazards to be safely managed.
Quarterly Variations on the Theme of Safety
HSER Connect
April 2023
Safer Together exists to prevent harm to the men and women who work in the Australian oil and gas industry. Our industry can be competitive place – but the one area in which we all collaborate and share, is to improve worker safety. From 2023, we have aligned with our international counterparts, Step Change in Safety in the UK and Always Safe in Norway in delivering Quarterly Safety Themes.
Making the Most of Improved Safety Conversations
HSER Connect
April 2023
Staying informed is an essential part of developing a strong safety culture. Effective Safety Conversations is a tool to help provide the skills and tools needed to have effective conversations, to give and receive feedback well (and appropriately), and to develop great communicators.
Your Health Matters
HSER Connect
April 2023
In any industry, looking after the mental health of workers is paramount to delivering good outcomes for individuals, companies, and communities. In our industry, with a high percentage of workers living and working remotely for extended periods of time – supporting positive mental outcomes is critical for delivering positive outcomes for all stakeholders.
Sharing Lessons Learned via Learning Event Bulletins
HSER Connect
April 2023
As a Major Sharing initiative, Learning Event Bulletins (LEBs) are a tool for learning from unwanted events and/or threats to reduce the recurrence of high potential incidents. It is a way in which we learn from past incidents by focussing on unwanted events or threats as triggers to investigate and disseminate lessons learnt.
Recent Happenings at Safer Together
HSER Connect
April 2023
See what Safer Together has been up to since our last HSER Connect Bulletin!
Save the Date – 2023 HSER Forum, 25th October in Perth, WA.
HSER Connect
April 2023
2023’s Western Australia and Northern Territory HSER Forum will be held on the morning of Wednesday, 25th October 2023, in Perth (WA); with the afternoon dedicated to the Industry Safety Forum.
HSERs Perspective
• HSER Connect
December 2022
At Darwin’s HSER Forum, 42 HSERs took part in a Safer Together Safety Culture Survey (SCS), with the intent of collating results from a multi-company, multi-site group with the common role of workforce-elected HSE Representative (HSERs) – and present the findings at the afternoon's Industry Safety Forum (ISF).
HSERs: Speaking Out and Speaking Up
HSER Connect
December 2022
At October's HSER Forum in Darwin, we tried something a little different – it’s not often that HSERs have an opportunity for their concerns to be heard directly by our industry safety leaders AND industry regulators.
Listening, Sharing & Learning Together in Darwin
HSER Connect
December 2022
Our second annual HSER Forum was held in Darwin in October, with a fantastic 61 delegates representing 23 Member Companies, contractors, and regulatory bodies in attendance – a great turn-out for the NT.
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