Step Change in Safety has produced a suite of short videos to reinforce the need for diligence in the pre-planning and execution of work activities offshore to minimise the impact of COVID-19 on the safety of offshore workers.
While every member of the workforce, from the worksite to the boardroom, is immersed in this rapidly developing COVID-19 situation, it is the duty of Step Change in Safety to continue reinforcing the need for diligence in the pre-planning and execution of work activities offshore. Step Change in Safety will continue to communicate with industry via a series of information bulletins which will be published on their and digital media channels over the coming weeks. As part of a continued engagement strategy, these short broadcasts and information packs will focus on the Step Change in Safety’s 7Cs of safety:
- Change Management
- Communication
- Control of Work
- Competence
- Complacency
- Commitment
- Culture
These films are presented by Step Change in Safety Executive Director Steve Rae - a respected industry professional and 'One of the 61' survivors of Piper Alpha.
Safer Together is proud to continue our long history of working alongside Step Change in Safety as a Collaboration Partner. Now, more than ever, we need to come together as an Industry to address safety and health challenges.
Contact: [email protected].