As we move through 2024, we have commenced a conversation with the Executive Leaders in our Safety Leaders Groups about how we demonstrate individual and collective adherence to Our Commitment to “prevent harm to frontline workers by simplifying, standardising, and sharing”.
Senior Leader commitment is key to delivering our 2024-2026 Strategic Plan. Without this commitment, the Strategic Plan is just a blueprint without actions.
At our Darwin Industry Safety Forum (ISF) Event in June, we commenced this conversation – asking the audience: “what does preventing harm to the frontline look like in your workplace?”; and “are you prepared to personally commit to simplifying, standardising and sharing with industry peers to prevent harm to your frontline workers?”
Delegates at the ISF Event provided a loud and clear answer…’yes’. They also confirmed their commitment by signing a personal pledge, leading by example to commit their time and effort to this cause. At our July WA/NT Safety Leaders Group meeting in Perth, executive leaders signed the same personal pledge.
Member companies and Safety Leaders Group representatives attending the Toowoomba ISF in November will be invited to sign this pledge to demonstrate their individual and collective adherence to Our Commitment.
As we move through the second half of 2024, we seek to turn this commitment into action by challenging everyone in our industry to “Get Involved”.
‘Get Involved” was the theme of the ISF Event and HSER Forum in Darwin. In October we will invite frontline workers across our Industry to “Get Involved” as we roll out our annual Stand Together for Safety Campaign during National Safe Work month. It will also be the theme for the ISF in Toowoomba in November.
By getting involved – by committing to prevent harm to frontline workers by simplifying, standardising, and sharing - we play our part in making our industry a safer place to be for everybody working in it.
We are Stronger and Safer Together.