Safer Together is working closely with APPEA on COVID-19. Safer Together has published a COVID-19 mini-portal and made our Sharing Library available to members and non-members.
Safer Together and APPEA are working to support the Australian Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Industry’s response to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. Through Safer Together, Operators and Contractors all over Australia, onshore and offshore, will collaborate to simplify, standardise and share to address challenges posed by COVID-19.
Our Industry’s COVID-19 response objectives are clear:
- Keep the oil and gas industry workforce safe and healthy
- Ensure that the oil and gas industry does not adversely impact the health of the regions and the communities it operates in and does not undermine public health efforts
- Maintain operations, business continuity and production
APPEA will lead this response. Safer Together will support APPEA’s COVID-19 position and actions, guided by APPEA’s Upstream Oil and Gas Industry Protocols and Framework. We will work concurrently with government public health arrangements.
Safer Together’s role in the COVID-19 response will be to simplify, standardise and share.
Our primary response will be to facilitate sharing among organisations working in the Australian Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Industry (i.e. Safer Together members and non-members alike). We will:
- Simplify – by guiding organisations to the right information (via our COVID-19 mini-portal)
- Standardise – by identifying / highlighting best practice response exemplars
- Share – by providing a platform for sharing material (Sharing Library) and by informing organisations about new information (in a manner that does not add to the 'noise’)
Safer Together will also act as a delivery partner to help organisations working in the Industry to respond to COVID-19. We will:
- Assist organisations to find solutions that may already have been built by others (e.g. other organisations in the industry; Industry Associations – local and international; Government)
- Invite organisations to identify how Safer Together might assist their COVID-19 response
- Develop (or otherwise provide) tools, products, and advice as necessary to assist
Find out more at:
Contact [email protected] to let us know how we can help.