Safer Together continues to support the Australian Oil and Gas Industry’s response to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. Read on for a brief summary of recent developments and for news about what we are currently working on.
Our Industry’s COVID-19 response objectives are clear:
- Keep the oil and gas industry workforce safe and healthy
- Ensure that the oil and gas industry does not adversely impact the health of the regions and the communities it operates in and does not undermine public health efforts
- Maintain operations, business continuity and product
Safer Together’s role is to work with APPEA to help our Industry to stop the spread of COVID-19. Key aspects of our response include:
- Our COVID-19 microsite has become a platform for sharing, based on the APPEA COVID-19 protocols.
- We worked with APPEA to develop the COVID-19 Wellbeing Framework and have launched a sharing website to help our Industry implement this Framework. In a recently issued news feature, NOPSEMA recognised the collaboration involved in developing this Framework.
- We are acting as a delivery partner to help organisations working in the Industry to respond to COVID-19. If you are seeking a resource that you are unable to find, or need assistance in clarifying the existing content of the COVID-19 site or Wellbeing Framework, let us know how we can help by contacting us at [email protected].
In addition to the above, we have developed communication resources designed to help you inform and educate your workforce about COVID-19. The ‘Play Your Part’ Campaign reminds us that each and every person in our industry has an important part to play in helping to stop the spread of the virus. When you do all these things you’re protecting yourself, your family and friends, your job, the broader community, and the supply of energy to all Australians. To date, we have released the following campaign materials:
- ‘Play Your Part’ videos from representatives of the following stakeholder groups:
- Toolbox talk materials and supporting posters and videos about key COVID-19 topics:
- Cover Your Cough
- Keep Your Distance
- Wash Hands Often
- Stay Away if Unwell
- Clean Surfaces Often
We have also been keeping the Industry informed about latest developments via our COVID-19 Updates.
As May draws to a close we are working on:
- Communication campaign materials to support implementation of the COVID-19 Wellbeing Framework.
- Our first ‘on-line’ DCIIRP event scheduled for July 8.
- A ‘virtual’ Industry Safety Forum event in Q3.
And finally, as we look to the future, COVID-19 has forced us to think about new ways of working. We also now need to develop a sensible, cautious and responsible plan for how we will work as restrictions are lifted. Click here to find out more.