Member feedback indicates that Learning Event Bulletins are a valuable tool for learning from unwanted events and/or threats in order to reduce the recurrence of high potential incidents. However, feedback also indicates that we can do even better. So we have updated the Bulletin format, and improved the processes for creating these important sharing and learning tools.
Users tell us the most valuable part of the discussions started by Learning Event Bulletins involve answering the question “Could this happen to you?” They also tell us that, because these questions were at the bottom of the Bulletin, work crews often ran out of time before they got to these questions. So we’ve put a headline question right at the very beginning. Call it a “discussion starter”.
We’ve tightened up the way that we reference hazard and risk management concepts. We’ve also added repeatability in naming conventions by providing drop-down lists in the new Learning Event Bulletin template.
We’ve linked our “Habits” to the IOGP Life Saving Rules. This is also now consistent with our Hazards and Habits activity.
We’ve created a new and improved How to Guide. This not only helps users to use the Learning Event Bulletin template, it contains a list of triggers that will help users decide when they should prepare a Learning Event Bulletin.
We hope that you like the new format. We hope that it will help you to continue to have the important conversations that prompt sharing and learning from incidents and near misses. We want everyone to get involved:
Managers and HSE Advisers:
- Forward Learning Event Bulletins to your front-line leaders (e.g. supervisors).
- Prepare Learning Event Bulletins when you experience incidents and near misses. Use the triggers in the How To Guide to help you decide when you should prepare a Bulletin.
- Search the Learning Event Bulletin library to share lessons with your workforce.
Front-line leaders:
- Print the Bulletins and post them on notice boards.
- Discuss the Bulletins at site safety meetings (e.g. toolbox sessions, pre-start meetings, pre-tours). It is important that this discussion is two-way. Provide information about the Learning Event and lessons learnt AND use it as a chance to discuss “Could this happen to you?”
- Send your feedback to Safer Together: [email protected].
Front-line workers:
- Actively participate in discussions about these Bulletins.
- Ask your front-line leader to provide the opportunity to discuss the Bulletin with your work crew.
- Help your front-line leader provide feedback to Safer Together.
For more information about Learning Event Bulletins, click here.