NOPSEMA has issued an updated version of their Offshore COVID-19 Better Practice exemplars document including reference to psychosocial hazard management.
NOPSEMA recently sent a survey to offshore petroleum facility operators with a primary aim of gaining an assurance that the Australian offshore petroleum industry has systems in place, and has commenced implementing those arrangements, in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The survey was completed by offshore operators in March and better practice exemplars were collated into a guidance document for the offshore industry.
Issued on April 9th, the new revision contains changes that are highlighted in bold text and includes:
- Locations for pre-mobilisation isolation
- Mandatory rest days during extended roster arrangements, and;
- Psychosocial hazard management
Facility operators are encouraged to review the information and identify opportunities to improve their current systems and practices.
The document can be found here and will be updated as any new revisions are provided by NOPSEMA.
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