We’re ending October on a high note, with the successful wrap-up of our final Industry Safety Forum for 2022 in Darwin.  The theme the 2022 Forum was ‘Listen. Share. Learn.’ - connecting with, listening to, and bringing the whole workforce into the conversation around safety in the workplace.

Following an informal welcome drink the evening prior, the Forum, with more than 165 delegates representing 50 companies, kicked off with the polished, professional, and punctual emcee, Cassy Schmidt (Program Director, National Decommissioning Research Initiative (NDRI)) who, despite all the odds, managed to keep us on track like clockwork, the Forum moving along smoothly in her capable hands.

We would like to recognise Aunty Bilawara Lee, an elder of the Larrakia Nation for providing a welcoming atmosphere, and providing a connection to her place, via her Welcome to Country ceremony opening the Industry Safety Forum.

A brief presentation by Cassy followed: ‘The Territory – Boundless Possible’ (on behalf of the Energy Club NT). It was wonderful to hear of the growing opportunities for our Industry in the Territory.

‘Turbulent Times Call for Collaborative Safety Leadership’ was the next presentation by Dave Dann (General Manager Onshore Operations, INPEX).  Dave began by acknowledging the challenging recent period for our Industry and the need for leaders to be adaptable and lead with purpose - moving forward with an emphasis on collaborative leadership, and with a focus on developing the people we do have by improving organisational capability via meaningful engagement.

Andy Gainsforth (General Manager - LNG, MPC Kinetic) was up next with ‘Our People Are The Lifeblood of our Industry’, a presentation launching Safer Together ‘Stand Together for Safety’ National Safe Work Month initiative materials and video.  If we have any take-aways from 2022 and moving into 2023, it is our deepened commitment to building and supporting a safe and healthy workplace free from physical and psychological harm for all.

Our Keynote presentation ‘Safety Culture – Creating a Safe Space to Talk’ by Dr. Richard Scaife (Director, The Keil Centre Limited) was up next - the presentation centred on the value and use of The Keil Centre's Safety Culture Framework that has now been adopted by Safer Together and in some 70 major companies globally. Richard showed how the framework connects with the principles of Human and Organisational Performance, and how the Framework adds significant value when used to embed an operationalised safety culture within an organisation.

Dr. Scaife’s fascinating session finished with a real time survey testing the level of psychological safety of delegates, followed by an audience discussion following the results.

Following a short afternoon tea, ‘Strengthening Safety Culture by Embracing a Unified Approach’ was presented by Phil Reid (Vice President – Change Integrations | Australian Operations, Woodside), walking us through the Safety Culture Framework as a tool to improve safety outcomes.  In adopting this Framework, Member Companies will contribute to standardising the approach to safety culture across industry – removing confusion and duplication; and offering smaller companies an opportunity to adopt a proven Framework that aligns with Safer Together initiatives.

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Phil’s presentation lead neatly into our next presentation – ‘Listening to Our Workforce – Feedback from Health Safety Environment Representatives’. 

At the morning's Health Safety Environment Representative (HSER) Forum, HSER delegates conducted a Safety Culture Survey as a safety pulse-check for a cross-section of industry (Member Company HSERs) – we want to know what are the issues HSERs are seeing ‘on the ground’ industry-wide.

In a demonstration of the real-time availability of the results of the Survey, HSERs Isaac Kennedy (HSER, Shell) and Katie Latimore (Operations Technician & HSER, Santos) presented the findings of the morning's HSER Safety Culture Survey and Menti poll.

ISF representatives were busy taking notes and hanging off every word as Katie and Isaac gave a rare insight into what the HSERs are seeing and experiencing on the front line.  ISF delegates noted the HSERs concern about the impact that maintenance deferred (during COVID) may have on safety. More detailed results from the HSERs Safety Culture Survey and a HSER Menti poll will be shared with Safety Leaders Group to guide their 2023 planning.

Mark Urquhart (General Manager Australia, Callidus Group) was up next with his presentation ‘Active Engagement – Making it Real’, focussing on the ‘everyone’ of the Safety Culture Framework – he reminded us exactly what behaviours everyone in an organisation needs to display for a strong and mature safety culture.  Mark then led us onto the next segment of the Forum, our Deployment Case Study sessions.

Each of these 6 booth sessions was hosted by a Safer Together Member Company with a strong presence in the NT, each company presenting on a ‘piece’ of the Safety Culture Framework (a Safer Together product/program) that they have deployed in their company. 

Delegates had the time to enjoy each Companies’ presentation, learning about each initiative and how it contributes to improving and standardising safety culture in their business and industry-wide:

  1. Good to Go Member Onboarding - JPS Management & Execution (thank you to Chuck, Jon, James, and Nathan)
  2. Industry Safety Induction - Monadelphous (thank you to Alysha, Abigail, Emma, Rick and Tara)
  3. Learning Event Bulletins - Downer (thank you to Troy and Jack)
  4. Assist and Assure - UGL (thank you to Brendan and Troy)
  5. Helping Hands - Ventia (thank you to Kyle, Mick and Shelley)
  6. Safety Leadership Visits - Upstream Production Solutions (thank you to Josh, Shaun and Anne-Marie)

Latest developments and a wrap-up of the Forum was presented by Neville Carrington (Vice President Operations, INPEX) and Gemma Mackett (Managing Director, PCM Group).  Neville and Gemma presented a summary of Safer Together developments and events to date in 2022 – thanking presenters and attendees for their participation in the 2022 Forum.

The Forum finished with an informal evening meal, networking and a social catch-up enjoyed by all delegates.

Thursday morning saw our tour/s of Darwin LNG Plants; with ISF delegates each joining one group ‘touring’ Darwin’s LNG plants:

  • Group A – visited Santos Darwin LNG Plant.  We would like to say a big thank you to Jess, Matt, Ian, Cam, Mark, Peter (and the rest of the team) at the Plant for arranging and hosting an enjoyable and informative visit to your facility. We would also like to thank the Area Focal Points (Amanda, Baydon, and Ian) for hosting the visitors in each of their specific areas of the LNG facility.

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  • Group B – visited INPEX Icthys LNG Plant. We would like to say a big thank you to Zoe, Dave, Stuart, Ben (and the rest of the team) Plant for arranging and hosting an enjoyable and informative visit to your facility.

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  • Group C – took a tour of both above Plants via Darwin Harbour (courtesy of Darwin Harbour Cruises).  A big thank you to Tara and Pete for taking the time to join us on the Harbour Tour and for providing an excellent commentary about each of their company’s respective LNG Plants.

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A video recording of the Industry Safety Forum Livestream Plenary Session is available to Member Companies.

To find out how your company can become a member of Safer Together email: [email protected].