In late August, our Qld Rig Site Safety Working Group (RSSWG) held its Drilling and Completions Industry Incident Review Panel (DCIIRP) #28, in Brisbane, with the theme ‘Back to Basics’.
‘Back to Basics’ was chosen in response to increasing safety incidents in the sector, and across greater industry; with some incidents reported being very ‘basic’ in nature. The RSSWG chose the theme to re-focus our attention not on the latest ‘new thing’, but instead, focus on re-emphasising the basics when it comes to safety – if we if we can get the foundations right, we can keep our people safer.
The event emceed with aplomb by Zuka Row (General Manager Well Operations, QGC) – and we’d like to recognise his commitment and leadership by volunteering to host and emcee a DCIIRP at his FIRST EVER RSSWG meeting, and had never attended a DCIIRP!
The safety moment was an excellent share from on Human Performance, and how humans are still fallible despite preventative measures. On investigation, the likelihood of the moment could have been reduced by implementation of the Assist and Assure process; which, when used correctly, can minimise the likelihood of accidents.
In-depth incident shares followed the safety moment:
- Highlighting the value of a deep investigation of incidents, in one instance, by seeking specialist occupational therapist expertise, then taking clear actions.
- The importance of correct packaging and transport through the entire purchasing and supply chain,
- A presentation showing how static electricity can build up in a tank containing hydrocarbons and given the right conditions, can ignite a fire.
- In support of the event theme, the last incident, ‘Small Mistakes Leading to Injury’ the injured person fractured his finger and lower leg while re-entering his room. A severe outcome for a seemingly benign activity because of disturbed sleep and a distorted walkway.
Photo: Kyle Koziol (Ventia) presenting at the DCIIRP, September 2022.
One of the RSSWG superstars and long-time RSSWG member Kyle Koziol (General Manager, Ventia) gave a very strong endorsement of Helping Hands, Line of Fire, Hands and Finger Preservation Portals; these are some of the RSSWG’s existing products that continue to prove their efficacy for industry.
Ewan Mitchell (Executive Director, GeoGlide) then updated the group on where the High Value Learning Event project team see their work going next. He noted how incredibly effective the RSSWG and DCIIRP sessions already are as a vehicle for sharing, and that the group would continue to work on other ways to enable further sharing and disseminating of knowledge.
Richard Duffy (Chief Executive Officer, Pro-Test Well Services) gave an outstanding delivery on the journey he and the company had been on using the Safety Culture Survey tool. The tool gave them not only a baseline for safety data, but also provided the company with key focus areas to work on that also led to the implementation of the Safer together Effective Safety Conversations tool.
The session was closed by Carlos Montilla (Sales Director, ChampionX) who thanked the presenters and reflected that the event had been fantastic in the quality and openness of sharing for the benefit of the whole industry.
Carlos was also delighted to announce that the Wednesday, 30th November event will be co-hosted with Drillsafe (in Brisbane, Qld) and encouraged members to block their calendar, and keep an eye out for the invitations, and mentioned “It was a rewarding afternoon with a good mix of incident reviews and safer together innovations coupled with an engaging audience sharing a joined safety culture vision. “
In closing Zuka said he “Valued the opportunity to meet new and old colleagues, and as my first DCIIRP, really recognise participants for their desire to share, learn and improve.”
Our attendees then retired to an afternoon of light refreshment at the venue.
Member Companies can view a recording of the event here.
We wish to thank our Event Sponsors, Shell QGC and ChampionX for their contribution to ensuring the success of this Event.
For further information about our DCIIRP’s, or to obtain an invitation to future events, email [email protected].