Consultation Workshop: On-Site Accommodation Psychological Health & Safety Guideline

Dexus Place 240 St. Georges Terrace
Perth, WA 6000 AU
Tuesday 28th November 2023 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM AWST
Organiser Safer Together

Psychosocial safety management in the workplace is something our industry needs to improve upon – and is now required by regulation.  The development of the On-Site Accommodation Psychological Health & Safety Guideline is an important step on the improvement journey for our industry.
The Safer Together Health Working Group (HWG) has embarked on the creation of this National Guideline, defining its’ scope, and engaging an external subject matter expert to develop the draft Guideline.
AND WE NEED YOUR INPUT – We are holding consultation workshops in both Qld and WA, to give our members an opportunity to have their say; to address any contentious issues, and to ensure the content aligns with industry, regulator, and workforce expectations and requirements.

Email: [email protected] for any related enquiries.

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