COVID-19 Isolation (note – low rates of community transmission may mean resident workforces scale back self-isolation / quarantine requirements)

Workers on facilities suspected of being infected with COVID-19 confined to quarters with no interaction with other facility workers

Principal Requirements

(suggested performance expectations for this part of the protocol)

44.  Patient provided surgical mask and sent to an appropriate quarantine area.

45.  Paramedic take appropriate precautions to assesses patient.

46.  Patient is self-isolated to room including the provision of meals in room.

47.  Identification of close contacts - personnel that had come in contact with a suspected case will be notified.

48.  Known areas patient visited (i.e. workstation, quarantine area, dry mess, accommodation) sanitised.

49.  Government and regulators are notified.


(suggestions for practices to meet performance expectations)

  • Personnel showing symptoms will be immediately isolated.
  • Where available, rooms with independent (e.g. split system) air conditioning units to be used for isolation rooms if/when required.
  • Members of the workforce that are identified as close contacts will also be quarantined on confirmation of a confirmed case.
  • If test kits are available and the medics / medical officer is appropriately trained in safe collection of specimens, a specimen should be taken and sent to an appropriate testing facility in conjunction with relevant health authority guidance.
  • Identification of contacts ‐ personnel that had come in contact with a suspected case will be notified.
  • Operator to work with the relevant health professionals to decide if close contacts and infected person stay on facility or are demobilised for treatment and isolation based on risk.
  • Criteria for safe transport to be determined in consultation with Medic/medevac consulting doctor.
  • NOPSEMA and relevant health authorities to be advised of suspected and confirmed COVID-19 infection.
  • Contact to be made with the national COVID-19 hotline.
  • APPEA to be advised as soon as practical.

For more information on coronavirus

please contact [email protected]

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