Common Industry IVMS Roadmap

A single roadmap to enable IVMS solutions for use by companies and contractors in the Queensland CSG Industry.

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Driving poses a significant safety risk for the Industry.  Providing In Vehicle Monitoring System (IVMS) tools to the Queensland CSG workforce and other interested parties (in accordance with the Common IVMS Specification) is an important way to manage these risks.  

Historically, to enable use of IVMS tools on all roads used by the Queensland CSG Industry, IVMS providers needed to obtain roadmaps from each individual CSG Operator company. 


Safer Together has created a single Queensland CSG industry roadmap.  This map removes duplication associated with maintaining similar datasets across multiple Operators.   It covers 27,500 square km of the CSG operations areas and includes all geofenced speed zones and common points of interest consolidated from all four major CSG operating companies.   This map is shared with providers of IVMS solutions.  

The map is maintained centrally and re-issued to IVMS providers regularly.  Road users help to update the map by using an on-line form to report errors and provide information about changes to the road network.

Some IVMS providers provide services that use IVMS data to assist their clients to lodge Fuel Tax Credit claims.  Safer Together members are encouraged to discuss these services with their IVMS provider.

For More Information

Members can view a recording of a Common Industry IVMS Roadmap Lunch & Learn (2022) - with the event designed to inform members about the benefits in deploying the IVMS Roadmap, and how to use it to improve safety outcomes related to vehicle use.

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