Gordon Livingstone, Group Specialist - Health and Injury Management, MPC Kinetic, was awarded Best and Fairest in 2020 for the work done on Medical Assessment Guideline in 2020.
Q: How did you feel about being awarded Best & Fairest?
A: Honestly felt a little embarrassed, a lot of my colleagues on the working group give so much of their time, it is however, always nice to know that your efforts are appreciated.
Q: Why do you think Safer Together is important for our Industry?
A: Safer Together enables the industry to address opportunities for improvement as a collective, various working groups focus on best practice and look for a consistent approach on implementation of initiatives.
Q: Describe the best day you’ve ever had at work.
A: I’m in a role where a significant portion of my work enables me to assist colleagues in times of need. I have lots of “Best” days at work.
Learn more about the Medical Assessment Guideline.