The latest Industry Safety Forum, held in Toowoomba, provided an opportunity for senior leaders across the industry to go out into the region to hear the stories of, and gain insights from a range of locally-based member companies about their particular safety challenges and their experiences to date of using Safer Together tools and programs.
Hosted at the historic Empire Theatre, the day started with delegates selecting and attending one of four morning breakout sessions:
1. Combined Incident Review Panel
The Safer Together Incident Review Panels have proven to be popular as a way of sharing learning from safety incidents and communicating industry innovations. Usually run as 3 separate events for Drilling & Completions, Land Transport and Process Safety, the Forum was an opportunity to run a single Incident Review Panel that combined all three.
2. Process Safety Awareness Campaigns Workshop
The Process Safety Working Group has developed a suite of toolbox resources tailored specifically for our industry in Queensland, aimed at the frontline workforce to raise their awareness of process safety issues. Released quarterly, previous topics include Oxygen Deficient Atmospheres, Hierarchy of Control and Safe Operating Envelopes. This Workshop focused on explaining the range of campaign materials available to members and how to use them, and introduced the next topic in the series – Process Safety and Personal Safety.
3. Safety Culture Toolkit Workshop
Developed by member companies of Safer Together for the benefit of other members, the toolkit is aimed at improving the safety culture and performance of our industry by focusing on 3 key areas:
- Just Culture (i.e. a culture of trust and openness without fear of blame, but in which people are accountable for their behaviours
- Safety Behaviour
- Life Saving Rules.
The Workshop focused on providing an initial introduction to the Safety Culture Toolkit Guides and resources.
4. Site Visit to LifeFlight Aeromedical Base
LifeFlight is a world leader in aeromedical care and Australia’s most diversified service with both a fixed and rotary wing fleet. Since 2011, Arrow Energy, Origin Energy, Santos and Shell QGC have partnered with LifeFlight to provide a Roma and Toowoomba-based service for gas industry workers and community members living in the South-West of Queensland.
Site visit to LifeFlight Aeromedical Base
Site visit to LifeFlight Aeromedical Base
In the afternoon session delegates were divided into 5 groups and visited 5 locally-based member companies – Easternwell, FKG Group, Neil Mansell Group, Qteq and Pro-Test Well Services. Watch the video above to find out more about each of these site visits.
Start of the afternoon session at the Empire Theatre
Site visit to Easternwell
Site visit to FKG Group
Site visit to Neil Mansell Group
Site visit to Qteq
The afternoon session also included:
- A “state of the industry” presentation by Warwick King (Chief Executive Officer, APLNG and SLG Co-Chair Operating Companies), including an update on our industry’s safety performance in Queensland
- A progress update from each of the Working Groups delivered by Steve Ciccone (Regional Director, Wood and SLG Co-Chair Contract Partner Companies), including a snapshot of how far each project has progressed in the project delivery process
- Following the site visits, a facilitated conversation with delegates led by SLG members Tony Nunan (Vice-President, Shell QGC) and Jody Rowe (Director, CD Power) in which delegates shared their insights from the site visits and their views about (a) take-up/penetration of Safer Together tools and programs, and (b) implementation support needs of member companies
- An update of how the initial set-up of Safer Together Western Australia / Northern Territory is progressing, presented by Philip Cave (Executive Vice-President Australia and Asia Operations, Clough and WA/NT SLG Co-Chair Contract Partner Companies).
Safer Together would like to acknowledge and sincerely thank the following companies for their active support and contribution to a very productive and worthwhile day:
- ConocoPhillips
- Easternwell
- FKG Group
- MPC Kinetic
- Murrays Coaches
- Neil Mansell Transport Group
- Origin Energy
- Palmer’s Coaches
- Pro-Test Well Services
- Qteq
- Santos
- Stonestreets Coaches
- Veolia
Next Forum (Q4 2018)
Our next Forum event will be held on Tuesday 04 December 2018 at the Royal International Convention Centre, Brisbane Showgrounds. We look forward to seeing all member companies represented at the event and we encourage you to block this date in your diary now.
For more information about Safer Together click here.
To find out how your company can become a member of Safer Together click here or address your query to [email protected].