We extend a warm welcome to 7 new member companies that joined our community of safety leaders in February 2019:
- 4cRisk
- Bellwether Contractors
- Greyhound Australia
- Nuffield Group
- Pentagon Freight Services
- High Arctic Energy Services (Associate Member)
We also extend a warm welcome to the following individuals and offer our congratulations on their recent appointment to the Queensland Safety Leaders Group (SLG):
- David Banks (Santos)
- Nick McKenna (ConocoPhillips)
- Ewan Meldrum (Qteq)
- Paul Premerl (Valmec)
- John Scott (Neil Mansell Transport)
- Jason Spears (UGL)
Thank you to the former members of the SLG who have moved on – their contribution and commitment to Safer Together is greatly appreciated and acknowledged.
And finally, we congratulate our new SLG Co-Chairs on their recent appointment:
- Ivan Tan (Arrow Energy) – SLG Co-Chair, Operating Companies
- Paul McDougall (Schlumberger) – SLG Co-Chair, Contract Partner Companies
For more information about Safer Together Qld, please watch the video here.
To find out how your company can become a member of Safer Together click here or address your query to [email protected].