On October 23, Safer Together conducted a Land Transport Review Panel (LTRP) that simultaneously involved participants in Brisbane and Perth.  The event broke new ground for Safer Together.  Although dual-location events have happened before, this was the first one to join-up the East and West Coasts.  

More than 50 people attended the event.  In addition to joining-up Queensland and WA, delegates from the National Road Safety Partnership Program Utilities Forum (held in Brisbane on October 24) also attended the Land Transport Review Panel. This enabled sharing right across the Australian Utilities Industry (i.e. broader than Oil and Gas).  

Attendees heard presentations delivered by: Santos; Easternwell; SWMS; and Toll. Incident case studies included: Light Vehicle Rollover - Driver Fatigue; Tanker Rollover Incident - Cementing Activities; Side Loader Incident; Review of 4 Recent Light Vehicle Incidents - Common Themes.

Fatigue and driver distraction featured in all of the presentations.


A guest speaker from the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator covered the status of their research into fatigue risk management systems and the effectiveness of monitoring systems (driver cameras) in identifying fatigue and distraction.

Safer Together Members can access the presentations here.

For more information about the LTRP click here.