The ISI is now one year old. With more than 2,500 Participants having now successfully completed the course, like most one year olds the ISI is really beginning to ‘find its feet’. So, at the one year mark of its life, it is a good time to reflect on how the program has been going, and to explore opportunities to improve the course content and delivery.
Throughout the year the Competence and Behaviour WorkGroup (CBWG) have been monitoring feedback from Participants. Workshops are conducted every 3 months with course Facilitators to discuss how to maintain the quality of course delivery and hone its content. Individual CBWG members have been attending the ISI course to observe its delivery, to consult with Facilitators and Participants and to highlight areas of course content that can be improved.
At the end of July the CBWG approved an upgrade to the ISI course content. The main changes include:
- Updating the currency of Industry safety data and statistics presented in the course
- Strengthening content related to Process Safety
- Adding detail to messages about Land Access and Social Licence to Operate
- Incorporating references to Standards and materials that have been developed by Safer Together since the course was launched on July 1, 2016
Our Approved Program Partners AWCC and WGI run public subscription courses in Brisbane; Gladstone; Roma; Chinchilla; Dalby and Toowoomba. Click on the icons below for information about future course dates and locations, as well as booking information.
For more information about the ISI click here.
Contact: [email protected]