This month, Safer Together released its Q1 2022 ‘HSER Connect’ Bulletin, the 2nd of a quarterly publication first launched late last year. When the need for HSER-related communications was identified, we jumped at the chance to collate stories specific to the HSER experience.
And so - Safer Together developed our quarterly ‘HSER Connect’ Bulletin; telling stories from the HSER sphere and connecting HSERs with the tools in the Safer Together HSER Resource File that will assist them in facilitating safety conversations and improving safety outcomes at their worksites.
The Bulletin is also an opportunity for Member Company HSERs to connect with each other and tell stories specific to HSER interests and to the HSER experience.
Safer Together is here to support all Member Company HSERs excel at their role through provision of tools designed to clarify and simplify their path to improving safety outcomes.
And we need your help! If you know an HSER you wish to nominate for an interview to share their experiences, or you have an interesting HSER story to tell, please get in touch at [email protected].
SAVE THE DATE: Safer Together will be conducting our next face-to-face Health Safety Environment Representative (HSER) Forum in Darwin on Wednesday 19 October 2022.
We want all Member Company HSERs to attend the 2022 Forum – It’s an opportunity to learn from Industry Leaders about Industry best practice in the HSER sphere, current industry performance and challenges, and the importance of the role HSERs play in preventing incidents.
Frontline HSERs can be important change agents. If armed with the right tools and enabled by the right culture, HSERs can be enhanced as leaders and can serve as the eyes and ears of the industry at the frontline.
To let us know if you want to receive invitations to future HSER Forums and/or if you want to be added to the list of subscribers that receive the ‘HSER Connect’ Bulletin, email us at [email protected].