Here’s the story of how one company has used smart communication techniques to effectively deploy Learning Event Bulletins in a way that maximises workforce engagement.
Information overload is a common problem for frontline workers in large organisations – so how can you get important messages to cut through? Learning Event Bulletins are a key safety communication tool, and it’s essential they are rolled out in a way that ensures that any information people at the frontline receive is relevant, timely and engaging.
With a history dating back over 150 years and currently employing 44,000 people across more than 300 sites, Downer is a leading provider of integrated services in Australia and New Zealand that designs, builds and sustains assets, infrastructure, and facilities. Their workforce is characterised as being diverse, geographically dispersed and often site-based.
As an outcome of some excellent work done by the CSG Drilling & Completions community in Queensland, in 2018 Safer Together introduced a new safety tool known as a Learning Event Bulletin. Learning Event Bulletins are a tool to enable everybody in our industry to learn from each other - to assist learning from unwanted events and/or threats in order to reduce the occurrence of High Potential Incidents.
Downer saw an opportunity to enhance their existing safety management processes by adopting and implementing Learning Event Bulletins, and the potential benefits these Bulletins could provide, both as a means of fostering genuine workforce engagement and also enabling industry-wide cross-pollination of important safety information.
Click here for a Case Study from Downer that tells the story of why they adopted Learning Event Bulletins, how they have helped them build genuine engagement with their people, and what impact the Bulletins have had to date. You’ll also find out Downer’s tips for other member companies on how to maximise the value of Learning Event Bulletins.
For more information about Learning Event Bulletins click here.
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