The project team for the Assist and Assure leadership skills program will hold a Best Practice Workshop in July and a Train-the-Trainer Workshop in August as part of providing implementation support to companies that have started to deploy, or are interested in deploying the Assist and Assure program.
Assist and Assure is a leadership skills program that focuses on engaging the workforce through 3 strategies:
- Transition to Work
- Safe Work Process (Step 7)
- Effective Supervision (before, during, after)
Importantly, Assist and Assure provides a safe system of working without the need for a complex and expensive safety management system. Trialled successfully across the Shell Wells Group globally, Shell subsequently gifted the Assist and Assure program to industry via Safer Together. The program has been adopted and deployed by a broad range of companies in the Queensland CSG-LNG industry since it was first introduced.
Best Practice Workshop (14 July - Brisbane)
A live webinar interface will also be available to enable people in regional and field locations to attend and participate.
Why Attend?
4 different companies (Wild Desert; MPC Kinetic; Global Engineering & Construction; and Arrow Energy) will share the story of their respective Assist & Assure deployment journeys – why they adopted the program, how they went about deploying it, and what impact it’s had to date. You’ll also find out more about the tangible benefits they have seen in the workplace since adopting the Assist and Assure Step 7 methodology, as well as their tips for other member companies on how to maximise the value of using Assist and Assure.
Who Should Attend?
The Workshop is aimed at companies that have started to deploy Assist and Assure in their workplace and who want to learn from the experiences of other companies that are further along their deployment journey – to find out the “dos and don’ts” that will help set up your company to succeed.
The Workshop is recommended for:
- Senior Line Leaders who will be the champions for deploying the Assist and Assure program within the company
- Line Managers and Frontline Supervisors who will drive deployment of the Assist and Assure program at the company’s worksites
- HSE Advisers who will support and assist Senior Leaders, Line Managers and Frontline Supervisors to deploy the Assist and Assure program.
How Do You Book Your Spot?
Block the date in your diary now and register your interest to receive an invitation by contacting us at [email protected].
Train-the-Trainer Workshop (12 August - Brisbane)
Why Attend?
The Train-the-Trainer session is set up for your company’s nominated Assist and Assure coach to get a strong induction into what Assist and Assure is, how it works, and how to train the major points of Assist and Assure to your staff.
Who Should Attend?
The Workshop is aimed at companies that have a real desire to deploy Assist and Assure in their workplace but don’t have the experience to do so yet. We’re looking for enthusiastic and motivated attendees who have a passion for ensuring the people they work with stay safe while carrying out their duties at work.
How Do You Book Your Spot?
Block the date in your diary now and register your interest to receive an invitation by contacting us at [email protected].
And Finally, A Sincere Thank You
The Qld Rig Site Safety Working Group recently said farewell to Blair Hart from Wild Desert, who was project lead of the Assist and Assure project for several years. Blair’s hard work, dedication and passion shown while leading the Assist and Assure project team has been instrumental in turning this into an excellent resource for Safer Together member companies to benefit from. Blair hands over the reins to Jon Martin from Coho Resources and Jake Townsend from Wild Desert, who represent two companies that are early adopters of the Assist and Assure program.
To find out more about Assist & Assure, and to access a wide range of implementation support materials, click here.
Deployment Case Studies from companies that have adopted and implemented Assist and Assure are available here.