Here’s the story of how one company is using the Assist and Assure program to not only be Safer Together, but also More Efficient Together, Cost-Effective Together and Continually Improve Together.
It’s easy for companies to become complacent about safety if they’ve experienced a long run of good safety performance. And then suddenly the situation can change and it’s a wake-up call that a fresh approach may be needed.
With over 120 employees servicing drilling, completion and production projects from Queensland hubs in Roma, Miles and Dalby, and a broad mix of oil & gas industry clients demanding continual improvement in safety performance, Coho Resources was looking for a practical solution to reinvigorate how pre-job planning and transition to work was conducted across the company and prevent a “tick-box mentality” creeping into their team. As a medium size company, Coho did not have the time, resources, or capital to develop their own solution from scratch.
In late 2018 the company decided to adopt and roll out Assist and Assure across the entire organisation. The program took 2 months to roll out in order to reach all their employees because of their different work rosters. Using a 7-step process, which combines equipment checks, area preparation, the control of energy and, most importantly, a strong emphasis on communication, the Coho team incorporated Assist and Assure into their daily routine.
Click here for a Case Study from Coho Resources that tells the story of why they adopted Assist and Assure, how they went about deploying it, and what impact it’s had to date. You’ll also find out more about the tangible benefits the team at Coho Resources have seen in the workplace since adopting the Assist and Assure Step 7 methodology, as well as their tips for other member companies on how to maximise the value of using Assist and Assure.
For more information about Assist and Assure click here.
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