Safer Together held its Assist and Assure training pilot on 26th September. The purpose was to test the training pack and facilitator guide developed by the project team. This pack had been developed with input from subject matter experts and early adopters.

Project lead Blair Hart from Wild Desert did a great job facilitating the pilot. It was his first time delivering the Assist and Assure material, and the first time the facilitator notes had been used:

“I was really pleased with how our pilot went. The engagement in the program and the appetite of the industry for Assist and Assure was fantastic. It also shows that the time we are spending getting the training reviewed with operators and contractors is well spent.”

There were 19 delegates from 10 different member companies in attendance. Their experience with Assist and Assure ranged from: well embedded, to early adopter, and considering implementing. This created a perfect population sample to test the program. Positive and constructive feedback was recorded at the end of each session. This has been compiled and analysed for incorporation before the planned project launch in December. More details to come.



For more information about Assist and Assure click here.

For more information about Rig Site Safety Working Group click here.