Ben Prain, Arrow’s Safety Manager knows how to improve safety inductions and get better value at the same time. He explains “Introducing the Safer Together Industry Safety Induction (ISI) has allowed us to streamline our induction processes. We now have one face to face induction for all Arrow facilities and fields. This has delivered cost and efficiency improvements. Most importantly it has helped ensure consistency of HSE requirements across all Arrow locations”.
Induction processes at Arrow Energy had evolved over time and had become more complex as the Company expanded. Inductions for Arrow employees had grown to be a mix of face to face and on-line inductions. Contractors were completing numerous inductions to work with Arrow, and were reporting that these were duplicated when they worked for other Operators in the industry. The various inductions repeated content, and often delivered mixed messages.
Following the introduction of the Safer Together Industry Safety Induction (ISI), Arrow took the opportunity to streamline their induction processes to remove duplication and consolidate HSE induction requirements.
In adopting the ISI, Arrow replaced the one day face to face Arrow HSE Induction with the ISI. This change was supported by simplifying Arrow’s internal HSE induction process and removing duplication of content.
Arrow now has two online modules.
- Arrow HSE online Induction – This module leads on from the ISI by providing information about Arrow specific HSE requirements.
- Arrow Facilities/Site Specific Induction – This module covers specific HSE requirements for all Arrow sites and facilities.
Arrow Employees and Contractors who have completed the ISI and the two modules can work at any Arrow controlled site or facility.
But these safety and efficiency gains don’t happen automatically. Arrow has learnt that it takes some up-front effort to fully benefit from the ISI. Ben explains:
“A carefully planned communications and implementation plan is essential. You have to use a wide variety of communications tools to let people know about your ISI requirements. You need to integrate the ISI into your Learning and Development processes and work with your training teams. The training process must make provisions for your staff to book their places on ISI courses. There is always room for improvement and Arrow is continuing to get feedback internally and from contractors to:
- Be clear about Recognition of Prior Learning and exemptions.
- Identify the office based staff and contractors who are exempt.
- Clarify induction requirements for your visitors."
For more information about Arrow Energy click here.
For more information about the Industry Safety Induction click here.
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