The Schlumberger Land Rig 167 crew had a great idea to raise awareness about Assist and Assure. They told the Assist and Assure project team about their idea. The project team really liked it. The idea has taken shape, and you can now buy Assist and Assure stickers from Safer Together.
The idea for an Assist and Assure sticker came out of observations arising from a joint management visit at Schlumberger Land Rig 167. The crew reckon that this will be a simple way to remind frontline workers about key Assist and Assure messages. We do too!
We also love that this idea came from the field – and is intended for use in the field.
The Project Team has also recently released the Assist and Assure Program Manual to provide guidance and instruction to those assigned to implement, deliver and manage the Assist and Assure program. The Team is now working on finalising Assist and Assure training materials.
For more information about Assist and Assure click here.