Since it was first officially launched as a Major Sharing initiative by our Qld. Rig Site Safety Working Group in March 2020, Assist & Assure (A&A) has been successfully implemented in almost 40 Member Companies from various sectors.  In July we held our first-ever A&A Awareness Training in Perth, WA.

A&A is a way of working to proactively identify and mitigate risk in work preparation and execution. It has 4 elements and provides guidance on:

  1. Transition to Work:  a structured approach to executing existing meetings that ensures all of those involved are ‘switched on’, listening with their thinking brain engaged. 
  2. Safe Work Process:  a checklist of 7 prompts, developed from the most frequent causes of over 200 serious incidents worldwide. This is the Step 7 card and encourages structured conversation between the work party on the frontline to verify that it is safe to start work.
  3. Effective Supervision:  the essential soft skills and tools for the Supervisor required to facilitate effective safety conversations with the workforce and empower people to openly address challenges and dilemmas.
  4. Assure:  a self-assurance tool for Supervisors and line managers to identify opportunities for improvement, acknowledge success and close gaps in the Transition to Work, Step 7 and Safety Leadership. 

The training in Perth was ably facilitated by one of our A&A ‘Champions’, Brian Donegan (Field Safety Program Advisor, Shell), who has vast experience in the development and delivery of A&A training for Shell, with the training attended by 15 representatives from Member Companies.

Download an A&A Case Study to learn more about how A&A can improve safety outcomes at your workplace.

We have further A&A training workshops in both 'Frontline Awareness' and 'Supervisors Safety Leadership Training' available in Perth in August 2023, please email your interest.

We would like to thank Shell for their contribution to the success of this landmark event.