The nature of our industry requires us to move plant and equipment, by land, air and sea, over considerable distances. We acknowledge that there is potential to cause harm to people, assets, community and environment whilst conducting our logistics activities in urban and rural/remote locations. Non-conformance reporting helps us better understand when, where and how these risks manifest and facilitates improvement in our day-to-day operations.
The WA/NT Land Logistics Uniform Non-conformance Reporting (UNCR) project has been established to develop a common process for Oil & Gas supply chain related HSE non-conformances to be submitted by member companies on a periodic basis. Building a common industry NCR database to facilitate analysis so that trends can be identified, investigated and targeted by industry, reducing occurrences and severity potential.
After 2 quarters of data submissions from members the project team have completed their initial review of the data received. With all members submitting returns, individual reported non-conformances totalled 336 with a reduction in reporting in the 2nd quarter believed to be linked to a reduced construction activity.
Initial findings indicated that the largest area of non-conformance relates to incorrectly stowed, secured or restrained cargo. Most of these recorded NCRs were identified in Perth. View presentation here for more details.
The work group wants to highlight that these events are potential breaches of Main Roads WA CoR legislation. All businesses that use road transport as part of their business take a shared responsibility of managing the risk. This means anyone who has control in the transport chain can be held legally accountable by the relevant regulatory authorities.
Learn more about the UNCR project here.
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