Collaboration Partners - IChemE

Founded in 1922, the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) is a multi-national institution with primary offices in the UK and Australia. IChemE exist to advance chemical engineering’s contribution for the benefit of society. 


Collaboration Activities

  • IChemE and SaferTogether share a vision to promote process safety awareness and improvement efforts throughout the natural gas industry
  • SaferTogether and IChemE representatives attend partner events including conferences and forums to promote partner’s work and efforts in the process safety area.
  • SaferTogether were awarded Highly Recommended at the IChemE Global Safety Awards in 2021 for the video “We all Have a Part to Play”
  • SaferTogether actively promote IChemE material through social media, website and direct mail out
  • A number of SaferTogether member company Working Group representatives are members of IChemE


Learning Lessons from Major Incidents E-booklet

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