The Australian Resources and Energy Employer Association (AREEA) delivers superior workforce services to Australia’s resources and energy industry.  They have developed a Resources and Energy Industry Workforce Mental Health Framework and Mental Health Maturity Assessment Tool – the first of its kind assisting employers to build and maintain mentally healthy workplaces. 

The Tool provides an accessible platform for assessing your organisation’s mental health capability and initiatives against industry best practice – and allows you to measure progress over many years. It works by applying the Framework – particularly the “maturity scale” – to mental health activities, actions, and strategies in the workplace.

The Framework grew from the strong motivation of industry participants to better understand mental health at work and the kinds of actions they could take to drive improvement. It also provides employers with a scale of maturity against which they can benchmark their workforce mental health and wellness capability from a policy, program, and practical perspective.

AREEA’s Mental Health Maturity Assessment Tool 2.0 has been designed to identify the status of your organisation in relation to these five stages of mental health maturity.

AREEA.Table.jpegMaturity Framework Overview

The AREEA Industry Workforce Mental Health Framework and Mental Health Maturity Assessment Tool have both been endorsed by Safer Together, and are available for use by our members.

The WA/NT Health Working Group (HWG) encourage use of these tools.  They are available to assist with implementation, and to provide guidance for improving mental health maturity in the workplace. It is intended that any common gaps identified by members be worked by the HWG.

These tools provide an accessible platform for assessing your organisation’s mental health capability and initiatives against industry best practice – and allows you to measure progress over many years.

Follow the directions in the Implementation Guide - and respond to the AREEA Mental Health Maturity Assessment Tool's questions and prompts relating to your organisation’s current activities, capabilities and initiatives.

There are three documents:

  1. AREEA Mental Health Maturity Assessment Tool Implementation Guide
  2. AREEA Resources and Energy Industry Workforce Mental Health Framework
  3. AREEA Mental Health Maturity Assessment Tool

The AREEA Mental Health Maturity Assessment Tool Implementation Guide includes links to:

  • Mock assessment – the Mental Health Assessment Tool filled with a mock assessment, as well as three years of historical data to illustrate how annual improvements are captured.
  • Mock executive presentation – an executive presentation based on the above mock assessment. Shows how the heatmaps and other assessment results can be compared year-by-year to plot progress and highlight potential improvements.
  • Training video – video in Q&A style on how to use the tool. 
  • Resources list – list of useful links relating to organisational mental health maturity.

Email:  [email protected] for further information.

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