Safe Transport of Vehicular Passengers Guideline
Guidance to provide information for the management of critical risks associated with transporting multiple workers in a vehicle on public roads and, where applicable, on-site.
SharingSupporting Materials for the Guideline
- Implementation Guide (including information video and poster)
- FAQs
- Safe Transport of Vehicular Passengers Lunch and Learn Vodcast
The management of critical risks associated with transporting multiple workers in a vehicle on public roads and where applicable, on-site can be complicated in terms of liability, insurance and risk transfer.
The Land Transport Working Group identified that guidance was required to minimise the impact of these risks to passengers, drivers and other road users.
Develop and launch a Guideline intended for use by all companies involved in supply chain activities that support the Queensland CSG Industry that recommends critical controls for the three key risk factors involved in the transport of passengers, including:
- Driver Competencies, liabilities and fitness for work;
- Vehicle specifications and maintenance; and
- Journey management, including roads and stops.
Included is information for those carrying passengers and information for passengers themselves to make journeys safer.
Coming Next
- Lunch and Learn May 2023