Although individual operators are monitoring their process safety performance, the CSG industry does not have a combined measure. This limits the Industry’s capability to identify, analyse, learn from and act upon leading and lagging trends in process safety performance.
Develop leading and lagging metrics on CSG Industry process safety events with a view to raising awareness and reducing the future frequency and severity of hydrocarbon releases from CSG Operations.
The Process Safety Working Group has been working closely with the CSG operating companies to develop, prepare and publish a suite of Process Safety Metrics for the Qld CSG-LNG industry.
The first achievement was to define a standardised set of three definitions for Tier 1/Tier 2 Loss of Containment Incidents (LOCIs). These follow the guidance in IOGP 456 and are delineated by: product released; volume (and/or rate) and event consequence (cost, people, environment, business interruption).
Reports outlining performance against Tier 1/Tier 2 LOCIs are prepared for the SLG every Quarter.
A suite of seven Tier 3/Tier 4 Process Safety Metrics has also been agreed based on IOGP 456 and API RP 754.