Helmuth Witulski, Regional Manager - Enerflex Asia Pacific, has been awarded 2020 Best and Fairest Award in 2020 for the work he had done in QLD Safety Leadership Working Group. 


Q: How did you feel about being awarded Best & Fairest?  

A: I have really enjoyed contributing to our Safety Leadership Working Group. The collaboration and discussion has provided valuable insights to diverse ways of thinking about achieving and maintaining a safer working environment, across my business and our industry. The knowledge gained from this group is more than enough of a reward. As such, being presented the Best & Fairest award was a surprise and I am truly grateful and honored to receive this recognition. It would be remiss of me not to recognize the entire Safety Leadership Working Group and the Secretariat for their tireless support of and contribution to the success of this group.

Q: Why do you think Safer Together is important for our Industry?

A: Nobody wants to go to work and get injured or injure someone else. The core purpose of Safer Together is to make our industry a safer place. What is unique about this organization is that it is a single entity that draws together all workers across our industry, regardless of location, role, or employer, and provides mountains of support for each individual to improve safety outcomes in their work and private lives. All of this support is provided with the sole intent of improving safety, unencumbered by any other business priorities and in a way that is pragmatic and user friendly. I do not think it is possible for any single, for profit entity in our industry to provide the same level of support. 

Q: Describe the best day you’ve ever had at work.  

A: I have had many best days at work, so it is difficult to pick just one! Like most others, I am motivated by success, so any day in which I lead my business to achieve success is a good day for me. What I do find particularly motivating is any occasion where my actions result in personal growth, learning, and success for members of my Team – these days are my best days at work.