Dave Hurst works as a Production Shift Supervisor at Origin Energy’s BassGas plant.   Dave lost two beloved family members in two separate road accidents. The trauma on his family is felt every day.

Origin Energy has recently released a video relating to driver behaviour. This video is a personal story of one of its employees. Dave Hurst felt so strongly about recent industry driving statistics, particularly speeding incidents, that he decided to speak up in the hope that each of us stops to think before we drive and prioritise arriving safely over all else.

Watch Dave’s story and have an honest discussion about driving behaviour:

  • Are you really doing all you can to drive safely?
  • What will YOU change in your driving behaviour?
  • How will you protect your colleagues who aren’t driving safely?

On behalf of the Safer Together member companies we thank Dave for sharing his story and promoting the core safety behaviours that we want to see in our industry – “Be Credible. Take Action.  Speak Up.”

For more information about Origin Energy click here

For more information about Safer Together click here