Safer Together participated in NT Resources Week by participating in the Energy Club NT “Meet the Buyer Event” and exhibiting at the SEAAOC Conference. The Safety Leaders Group will meet in Darwin on 17 October. This will coincide with members of the SLG participating in the Chamber of Commerce NT Manufacturers Council AGM and networking event on the evening of October 16.

NT Resources week kicked off in Darwin on Monday 2 September with the Energy Club NT “Meet The Buyer” event. 25 Buyers and 40 Northern Territory businesses participated in more than 500 “speed meetings” in under 2 hours. Safer Together had a station at the event, enabling introductory one-on-one conversations about Safer Together with 19 locally based companies.


Image courtesy ECNT: September 2, 2019, participants at the ECNT “Meet the Buyer Event”.

A booth at the SEAAOC conference (4-5 September) enabled Safer Together to stay in contact with our members and stakeholders in the top end and continue to promote our presence in the Northern Territory to non-members.

On the afternoon of 17 October the Safer Together WA/NT Safety Leaders Group (SLG) will meet in Darwin. The (SLG) is comprised of senior leaders from Operating Companies and Contract Partner Companies who oversee and steer the activities of Safer Together WA/NT. 

Members of the SLG will take advantage of their visit to Darwin to engage with local businesses by participating in the following events:

  • October 16, 17:00 – 19:00.  Chamber of Commerce NT Manufacturers Council AGM and networking event.  Join members of the Safer Together WA/NT SLG for informal networking following the AGM.  David Boyle (VP of Operations, Conoco Phillips) and Stuart Miles (Site Manager – Maintenance Superintendent, TRACE Oil and Gas/Broadspectrum) will deliver short presentations at the event.
  • October 17, morning.  Visits to member company worksites.  

Click here for more information about the Energy Club NT.

Click here for more information about Chamber of Commerce NT.