Safer Together WA/NT Co-Chairs (Zoran Bebic – Monadelphous) and Tom Coolican (Jadestone Energy) will join Safer Together Forum Coordinator (Steve Williams) to talk about our journey at a The Petroleum Club of WA (PCWA) online event on 2nd July.

Safer Together has been operating in Queensland since 2014.  In March 2018 we launched in WA/NT.  Now, more than ever, our Industry needs to simplify, standardise and share.

The event is scheduled for 17:00 – 18:00 (AWST) on July 2. PCWA members can attend the event for free.  The cost for non-members is $10.

Click here to register. 


Image Source: PCWA

On 23 June, Steve Williams joined a panel of Industry, Regulator and Union representatives at the PCWA online event - Collaboration in Times of Crisis: Lessons and Silver Linings.  This event involved leaders from Industry, Unions and Regulators sharing their perspectives on how the offshore oil and gas sector has responded to COVID-19. The sector has been challenged like never before and forced to adapt and evolve.  This has resulted in fresh thinking and new, collective and collaborative approaches to solving shared problems.

PCWA members can watch a recording of the event on by accessing the member portal.