We extend a warm welcome to 2 new member companies that joined our community of safety leaders in August 2022:


  • John Smith (MPC Kinetic) has served on the Qld SLG since 2016.  He served as the Competence and Behaviour Contractor Co-Champion from 2016 to 2019.  John served as the Board/SLG Co-Chair for 2 years (2019 – 2020).
  • Ciarán Hallinan (Base Industries) has served 2 terms on the Qld SLG.  His first tour of duty was in 2016. He re-joined the SLG in 2020 and has served on the Board since 2021.
  • Chris Trowbridge (Toll) joined the WA/NT SLG in 2021 and has served as the Land Logistics Working Group Contractor Co-Champion since joining the SLG.
  • Thomas Nador (Beach Energy) joined the WA/NT SLG in 2021 and has served as the Rig Site Safety Working Group Operator Co-Champion since joining the SLG.
  • James Stokes (Altrad), Shane Kimpton (AusGroup) and Lee Gallagher (Legeneering) have stepped down from the WA/NT SLG. 

Farewell all. Go well. Thank you for your service.

New Appointments:

  • Stuart McCulloch (ChampionX) and Phil Reid (Woodside) will be appointed to fill casual Board vacancies. Phil has also been appointed to the WA/NT SLG and as the Safety Leadership Working Group Operator Co-Champion.
  • Vincent James (MPC Kinetic) has been appointed to the Qld SLG and will serve as the Contractor Co-Champion of the Land Transport Working Group.
  • Michael Birch (AusGroup), Sergio Di Prinzio (Beach Energy), Steve Dropulich (Altrad) and James Hopping (Downer) have been appointed to the WA/NT SLG.
  • Neil Plackett (Santos) has been appointed as the Operator Co-Champion of the WA/NT Process Safety Working Group. 
  • Liam Smith (APA Group) has been appointed as the Operator Co-Champion of the WA/NT Competence and Behaviour Working Group.

Congratulations on your appointments. Welcome aboard to those who are new. Thank you all for stepping up to lead our Industry’s efforts to maintain the safety of the men and women who work in our Industry.