We extend a warm welcome to 7 new member companies that joined our community of safety leaders in April and May 2021.
- BP Developments Australia: North West Shelf and Browse joint venture partner
- DHL Global Forwarding: logistics services
- Fullerton Health: field security, medical and rescue services
- Greyhound Resources: workforce transport services
- Intura: electrical, instrumentation and mechanical services
- Pengelly Trucks and Trailers: transport services
- Torque Alliance: well site services and oil field equipment
We are delighted to announce that Neville Carrington has agreed to serve as our new Operator Co-Champion of the Safety Leaders Group (WA/NT). We thank Neville for offering to serve in this role - and wish him every success.
We are also pleased to advise that Mark Annand (Baker Hughes), Shane Kimpton (AusGroup) and Chris Trowbridge (Toll) will join the WA/NT Safety Leaders Group. In Queensland, John Mtanios (Wood) will join the SLG. Welcome aboard one and all.