Generously hosted by our Safety Leadership Working Group member, Carter Dumont (CEO | Director, Condor Energy) our Engage & Embed evenings remain well-attended by members by providing an informal opportunity to gather with peers and talk everything safety in our industry.

Carter opened the evening by sharing his history with Safer Together and the benefits this brought to his company and broader industry; via simplifying, standardising and sharing.

With 20 member representatives in attendance from 10 member companies, delegates took the opportunity to mingle, to share their safety successes, and share their experiences - working together to improve safety.

Feedback from the event highlighted a need for a focus on vehicle safety in the region; and Safer Together has followed up accordingly.

Our thanks to Condor Energy for their sponsorship of the evening.

Get in touch if you are interested in attending our next Engage & Embed evening in Dalby, Qld. on 31st July 2024.