The Marine Working Group (MWG) of Safer Together WA/NT has launched and is powering full steam ahead on its maiden voyage, including holding three meetings in June, July and August in which a Chair (Alistair Martin) and Deputy Chair (Michael Desa) have been appointed, a charter has been adopted and three project teams have been established.
The first two project teams (Forums and Improvements) have been adopted directly from the MarineSafe organisation to carry on project activities already ongoing. Planning of the next forum in November is underway through the use of a survey of previous participants to refine the program and content. The improvements team is re-branding its Safety Alerts and will commence distributing these once again in coming weeks. The third project team has been established by adopting the SurveySafe organisation into Safer Together as one of the regular project teams of the MWG, and it will carry on work in its focus areas.
The MWG has also completed its first collaborative activity with an outside entity. On 30 July, members of the MWG met with Rob Cox, Technical Director of IPIECA, to get a briefing on "Marine Fuels: The Impact of IMO 2020 on Safety". In addition to providing feedback to Rob, the MWG will in the future provide written comments on guidance IPIECA is producing to assist the industry in moving to low sulfur fuels safely.
For more information contact [email protected].