Safer Togethers’ first official Event for 2022 was a virtual Lunch & Learn held by our Qld Land Transport Working Group on the Common Industry In-Vehicle Monitoring System (IVMS) Roadmap. Qld Member Companies were well-represented with 43 attendees from 36 Companies in attendance.
So, briefly - What is the IVMS Roadmap – When was it developed? And what exactly does it do?
Work on this initiative began several years ago, when QGC were engaged to support the creation of a single CSG industry roadmap to enable a single navigation solution for use by CSG companies and contractors. Benefits include:
- Removing duplication associated with maintaining similar datasets across multiple operators. It will provide the safest and most efficient journey navigation to all staff, contractors, emergency services and other interested parties throughout Qld’s remote CSG fields.
- Enabling direct navigation to CSG infrastructure on large rural properties, minimising land access breaches.
The map is maintained centrally and re-issued to IVMS providers regularly. Road users help to update the map by using an on-line form to report errors and provide information about changes to the road network.
The Event opened with a welcome and an introduction from Co-Host Adam Fitz-Henry (Commercial Manager, Qteq). Adam followed this with a de-identified Safety Moment that all users could all relate to; an incident with a vehicle travelling in a non-mapped (non-geofenced) area at speeds exceeding the monitored IVMS speed limit.
David Pearce (Fleet Manager, Santos) then took our attendees on a journey of the IVMS Roadmap since its’ inception through to today. Co-Host Peter Runge (Logistics Manager, Origin) closed the Event, summarising the days’ learnings and reminding attendees of the IVMS goals - embedding the use of IVMS in appropriate Member Company vehicle movements, increasing the level of reporting to the system; expanding the mapped region; and developing a single navigation solution.
The IVMS Roadmap is intended as a live specification, with improving outcomes only possible with current roadmap data. In the last quarter of 2021, Safer Together received 10 updates representing a 500% increase in reporting, thereby ensuring currency of data available to all users.
Adam Fitz-Henry said it best:
“The first LTWG Lunch and Learn of 2022, while showcasing a topic that all members are familiar with, aimed to lift the curtain on just how important the Common Industry IVMS Roadmap Project is to our industry. From humble beginnings, with thousands of hours of painstaking work from SME’s and key stakeholders, driven ably by the ongoing tenacity of the Project Team (thanks to David Pearce and Matt Chase), brings us to the current version #23, being used by a dozen or so telematics providers.
“The Lunch & Learn was a punchy way to update the journey the project has completed so far, with visions of an exciting ‘Utopia’: an offline navigation tool covering 10’s of thousands of kilometres of Qld highway, dirt field track, and everywhere in between.
“As with many industry tools, the IVMS Roadmap is only as precise as the inputs allow. An online portal gives all members access to help update the map and keep it as relevant as possible for all users. If there was just one key takeaway from the Lunch and Learn, it is this.”
Thank you to our Event Sponsor, Qteq for sponsoring the day – the day wouldn’t have been as successful without your input.
Safer Together Members can access a full video recording of the Event here.
Find out more about the Common IVMS Roadmap here.
Contact: [email protected].