Since launching Learning Event Bulletins (LEBs) 5 years ago, they are our most downloaded Major Sharing initiative, with over 96,000 downloads.  And with more than 1/3 of these downloads (35,000+) in 2022 alone, we held a Lunch & Learn in May for Member Companies to refresh, renew and revive their relationship with LEBs. 

Thanks to our wonderful Presenters, James Lynch (Manager - Operations & Capability, JPS Management and Execution), Tamara Critchley (HSSE Reporting & Compliance Adviser, Shell Australia), Jason Sullivan (Enterprise Risk Manager, Senex Energy) and our own Sean O’Donnell (Principal Consultant, Safer Together), those in attendance (in-person and online) first enjoyed a brief history of LEBs at Safer Together, followed the passage of an LEB through from incident identification through to using a LEB in your workplace, with each presenter focussing on a different stage of the journey: 

  • Why we produce LEBs
  • How to identify an incident appropriate for an LEB,
  • How to upload incident content to our website,
  • How we develop and distribute the Bulletin, and
  • How to use the LEB in your workplace.

LEBs are designed to encourage companies to approach unwanted events with a positive learning mindset, to investigate, report and disseminate the lessons learned from these events as High Value Learning Events.

We would like to make a special mention and thank you of Campbell Noble (HSE Manager, APLNG) who spoke briefly on behalf of Event Sponsor, Australia Pacific LNG.

View a full recording of the event.

Our library of all Learning Event Bulletins

If you would like any further information about LEBs:  [email protected].