78 representatives from 41 member companies recently gathered in Brisbane to participate in the first Safer Together Workshop focused specifically on sharing lessons learnt from process safety-related incidents and innovations within our industry in Queensland.
The event was kindly hosted and sponsored by GHD, and co-sponsored by Santos.
Attendees heard presentations delivered by Origin Energy, Santos, Arrow Energy and QGC on a range of topics, covering both upstream and downstream industry activities.
Feedback from attendees was very encouraging, with strong support for process safety themed Workshops to continue:
“Very informative presentations. A really good learning opportunity for someone not directly involved in process safety”
“Interesting to hear common threads between the presentations. Look forward to next session”
“Pleasantly surprised by the honesty and level of detail presenters were willing to share in the interest of learning and improving”
Organised by the Process Safety Working Group, similar Workshops are planned for 2017 in Brisbane and also in a regional location.
For more information about the Process Safety Incident Review Workshops click here
Contact: [email protected]