Due to restrictions on gatherings and travel this year, the MarineSafe Forum was not able to be held in its usual format. But rather than cancel the event all together, it was decided that the Marine Working Group would instead sponsor a Learning From Accidents Masterclass focused on the Costa Concordia incident. The masterclass was delivered online in a set of two-hour sessions each week commencing in early November.
The course was presented by Dr. Nippin Anand, who personally interviewed the ship's captain multiple times and from his learnings, the Masterclass Workshop was developed. The focus of the sessions was to examine how we traditionally define and carry out investigations in a manner that leads us to blaming/human error, instead of learning and driving towards a culture of improvements.
The course was provocative and very well received by those that have completed many investigations as well as those who have less experience in the subject. The format was well suited to an online delivery and was a successful replacement for the usual event.
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