After all the planning, design and negotiating, Contain It will be launched in Western Australia in the last week of May. Based in Perth, the fixed location facility will bring to life in a half-day session the impacts of having a loss of containment (LOC) incident for your teams to feel for themselves. They will experience the heat, sound and explosive energy that an LOC can cause, all in the safe surrounds of a professional training facility.
The first Contain It course in WA is planned for 26 May, so pencil this date in your diary now. Booking details for the course will soon be available for you to book directly with the training provider, but in the meantime you can register your interest by contacting us at [email protected].
It is intended that this half-day course will be run monthly, increasing to every two weeks as it gets embedded. The course provider knows our industry very well and is willing to work with you to schedule courses to suit FiFo personnel rosters and even align with your shutdown calendar. Along with the scheduled public subscription courses, it will also be possible for your company to run a dedicated course where you can bring teams together for sessions that are tailored to be more company-specific.
Contain It:
- promotes process safety hazard awareness
- encourages process safety-related conversations
- provides a ‘working memory’ of the effects that may be experienced with a loss of containment, and its escalation to a fire or explosion.
- makes major accident hazards ‘real’.
The Contain It course details will be released very soon and Safer Together member companies will receive notification in due course of when, where and how to book their teams onto this very impactful course.
For more information contact [email protected].