Kate Du Preez, the Commissioner for Resources Health and Safety, has sent a letter congratulating Safer Together on our ingenuity and commitment to building a strong, unified and consistent safety culture across the oil and gas industry in Queensland. The Commissioner particularly wanted to congratulate us on the development and delivery of our Contain It training program.
The Commissioner and her staff have all participated in Contain It training. In her letter to Safer Together, the Commissioner writes “The Contain It training is a valuable program, and I would encourage any company working in the oil and gas industry in Queensland to take advantage of this great training course”.
The Commissioner finishes her letter with a commendation:
“I applaud Safer Together for coming together as one industry to address the common hazards and risks in the oil and gas industry. The Safer Together model is one that I think other resource industries could benefit from adopting.
Congratulations and keep up the great work!”
From our perspective, Commissioner, we are delighted that you have taken the time to attend Contain It training and we are humbled by the feedback. Rest assured, we have every intention of resolutely pursuing our Commitment to prevent harm to our people, assets, community and the environment.
For more information about Contain It and to book your spot on a course click here.
Contact: [email protected]