Safer Together's mobile major accident hazard awareness training Contain It! was a focus of a Safer Together presentation at the 9th Annual Prosafe Conference, held in August in Melbourne.
Kim Pullon, Senior Process Safety Engineer from Santos and a project lead for Contain It!, shared the story of Safer Together and how our members’ collaboration and innovative thought had brought the concept of mobile major accident hazard awareness training to life.
The conference was attended by safety (process & OHS) professionals from across Australian industries and government officials who complimented Safer Together on what it has achieved in such a short period of time.
More than 350 people from operator and contractor companies attended Contain It! training in various locations in 2017. Contain It! is seen as engaging and relevant training that allows participants to obtain a “working memory” of the effects that may be experienced with a loss of containment and its escalation to a fire or explosion.
The Process Safety Working Group has also launched a new webpage for Contain It! The new webpage features useful information about the training which can be accessed here.
Contain It! makes major accident hazards “real’… Contain It? Book it!
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