National Road Safety Week 2024
Every year, approximately 1200 people are killed and another 44,000* are seriously injured on Australian roads. Traffic injury is the biggest killer of Australian children under 15 and the second-biggest killer of all Australians aged between 15 and 24. These numbers are growing every year but are preventable if we choose to Drive So Others Survive!
National Road Safety Week is an annual initiative from the Safer Australian Roads and Highways (SARAH) Group, partnering road safety organisations and Government. The week highlights the impact of road trauma and ways to reduce it.
What can you do?
Start by making a pledge to drive so others survive.
Download the video to use as a safety moment (there are two versions, 3min and 9min)
Use the Safer Together toolbox to engage with your teams in a conversation about road safety.
Take a fresh look at all the initiatives the Safer Together Land Transport/Logistics Working Groups have developed for our industry in recognition of the fact that driving is one of our highest safety risks.
* Australian Automobile Association – Reviving Road Safety 2019