Helping Hands

Helping Hands - Hand and Finger Preservation Program designed to reduce the incidence of hand and finger injuries at our well sites.


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Workshop Materials

The centerpiece of the program is an innovative workshop exercise in which participants immobilise their dominant hand. They then work in a small team to build a prosthetic hand.  Helping Hands take the prosthetic hands that are built during the exercise and distribute them to amputee landmine victims throughout the developing world.


Workshop Delivery

Safer Together can facilitate your Helping Hands workshop OR we can train your trainers.



Toolbox Talk Materials

toolbox talk template has been prepared conduct a facilitated discussion about a short video (30 – 90 seconds long) of workers using their hands in everyday situations.


Video Library

library of short videos (30 – 90 seconds long) for use in toolbox talks.  The videos show workers in the Qld Drilling and Completions Industry using their hands in everyday situations.


Hand and finger injuries are currently the most frequent injury type occurring on a wellsite. The high incidence of hand injuries is not just confined to Drilling and Completions.  In 2020-2021, more than 35% of injuries across our entire Industry involved hands, fingers and thumbs.


Develop and roll-out a hand and finger safety program designed to reduce the incidence of hand and finger injuries at our well sites.


Safer Together has partnered with Helping Hands to develop the Helping Hands – Hand and Finger Preservation Program. 

The Working Group has also developed

  • Launch Pack  to help Safer Together members roll out the Helping Hands – Hand and Finger Safety Preservation Program. 
  • a brochure to introduce the Program

Coming Next

  • The Working Group will monitor roll-out of the Program and collect feedback.

 For More Information

[email protected]

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